A Causal Model Development on Knowledge Management Affective in Intellectual Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Production to Community Product Standard Certification in Lampang Province

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จตุรภัทร วงศ์สิริสถาพร


This research aimed to develop a Knowledge Management causal model which affects Intellectual Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Production to Community Product Standard Certification in Lampang Province. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were applied in this research. The research targets are 215 executives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Production to Community who were certified a Product Standard Certification in Lampang Province.  Research Instrument was a questionnaire which used a content validation by 3 experts to find a relationship between contents and research objectives. The 30 questionnaires was applied for a validity test by Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha equals to 0.983. A Data analyses used descriptive analysis, frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means and standard deviation. On the other hand, Inferential Statistics, correlation analyses and influential path analyses were applied for this research. The research results found that The Knowledge Management causal model which affects Intellectual Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Production to Community Product Standard Certification in Lampang Province have coherence with an empirical data by statistics of Chi-square goodness of fit =69.78,df= 55 , p-value = 0.08654 , RMSEA =0.035 , GFI =0.95 and, AGFI = 0.92. Knowledge Management infrastructures and Knowledge Management processes have a path coefficient of 0.95, Knowledge Management infrastructures and Human Capitals have a path coefficient of 0.43, Knowledge Management infrastructures and Structural Capitals have a path coefficient of 0.55, Knowledge Management Processes and Human Capitals have a path coefficient of 0.46 and Knowledge Management Processes and Structural Capitals have a path coefficient of 0.35 which have no statistical significance.  Knowledge Management Infrastructures have a direct positive relationship with Knowledge Management Processes, Knowledge Management Infrastructures has a direct positive relationship with Human Capitals and Structural Capitals, Knowledge Management Processes a direct positive relationship with Human Capitals but, Knowledge Management Processes have no influence with Structural Capital in statistical significance.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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