เครื่องมือการสื่อสารการตลาดที่เหมาะสมกับการท่องเที่ยวเชิงอนุรักษ์ จังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์

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เบญจวรรณ สุจริต



 The purposes of this research were to assess the potential ecotourism source in Uttaradit province and to analyze the appropriation marketing communications tools for ecotourism in Uttaradit province. It was a qualitative research. The instrument was in-depth interviews and workshops. The key informants were the expert choice sampling such as souvenir and gift shop entrepreneurs, local administration, the association of travel agents, the association of tourism and sports, the experts on green tourism, media, the president of community enterprise, and academic person on marketing, communication art, and tourism. These key informants were selected by using purposive sampling from the person who had the best knowledge on ecotourism for 20 persons. The results of assessment the potential of ecotourism source in Uttaradit province were found that the area aspect was a beautiful tourism location and there was fully a nature without any adaptation. The convenient way of get in aspect was found that there was a convenient way to get into the site by having the main road. The facility aspect was well prepared for tourists such as welfares shop and sherpas. The management aspect was having well managed by forestry department officer that was preparing for tourism planning, facility management, and safety. The environment aspect was physically beautiful and abundantly natural. The Image aspect was well known in the group of tourist. The tourism activity aspect was having participated with educational institutions continually for conservation camping. Lastly, the participation of community aspect was supported by the community and local administration. The appropriate marketing communications tools for ecotourism in Uttaradit province was stated as follow: Uttaradit travel map, Praya Pichai sticker, Uttradit travel sticker, travel calendar, social network, SMS, outdoor signage, Uttaradit tourist manual, Uttaradit travel guide, and stamp collecting points.  

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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