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นงเยาว์ จิรภาไพศาล
อรพรรณ คงมาลัย



This research aimed to study risk management in telephone system of telesales in banking and risk factor affecting telephone outsource performance. This quantitative research consisted of 1) review the related literature from Thai and International Academic Journals, 2) developing a conceptual framework, 3) collecting data by sending out one thousand closed-end questionnaires to nine commercial banks and 418 complete sets were returned for an analysis, 4) analyzing data by using Structural Equation Models (SEM). The findings found that there were 3 risks in the operational risk management as follows: personnel risk, process risk, and technology risk. The process risk was the most significant risk resulting to the outsource performance. For the dependent variables, product performance and process performance, product performance was the most important factor for the outsource performance.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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