Applying Transformative Learning to Encourage Attachment of Adolescent Mothers with their Children

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Assistant Professor Dr. Amaraporn Surakarn
Assistant Professor Dr. Thasuk Junprasert


This academic article introduces the presentation of the Transformative Learning theory, a principle developed by experts in understanding meaning perspective, frame of Reference to achieve behavioral change arising from self-understanding to be rethinking past experiences to lead to thinking, analyzing, and finding suitable operational guidelines. Transformative learning is a theory suitable for application and development to promote the attachment of adolescent mothers with their children who is vulnerable persons. Appropriate development methods must exist to achieve acceptance and modify the behavior which promotes the attachment of adolescent mothers with their child. It is extremely important as an encouraging factor for children born to adolescent mothers to receive appropriate developmental support and is a protective factor for improper parenting and the act of abuse against children.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic article)


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