Effect of English Grammar Ability Development Using the Supplementary Book Entitled “Advance Your English Grammar” for Naval Cadets
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The objectives of the research were 1) to study the needs of English grammar topics, 2) to investigate the efficiency of supplementary books on a basis of 80/80 criteria, 3) to compare the achievements between before and after studying, and 4) to study the opinions towards English grammar teaching behaviors. The sample group included 84 second-year cadets in academic year 2020. The research instruments were 1) a questionnaire of needs of English grammar topics, 2) a supplementary book, 3) learning management plans, 4) an English grammar achievement test and 5) English grammar teaching behavior questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and a t-test. The results showed that 1) naval cadets’ most needed topic is “tenses”, 2) the efficiency of supplementary book was 82.30/84.75, 3) English grammar achievement after studying through supplementary book was higher than that before studying at 0.05 statistical significance, and 4) naval cadets’ overall opinions towards English grammar teaching behaviors using supplementary books were at a high level.
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