The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Innovation Climate and Employee Engagement on Innovative Work Behavior of Employees in a Power Plant Group, Eastern of Thailand
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The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of transformational leadership on supervisors. Innovation atmosphere and Employee Engagement towards Innovation Behavior of Employees in a Power Plant group in Eastern Thailand. The data were collected using a questionnaire developed from a literature review. In collecting data from a sample group that is an employee group in a Power plant in Eastern Thailand of 238 people, the researcher uses a probability sampling method by determining the number of sampled employees according to the proportion of the number of employees in each company. Data were then collected by using a specified number of questionnaires and a simple random sampling method by drawing lots (Lottery). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Structural equation model analysis results It was found that the transformational leadership of supervisors directly influenced the atmosphere of innovation and employee engagement. The innovation climate has a direct influence on employee engagement and employee innovation behavior. And employee engagement has a direct influence on employee innovation behavior. statistically significant The model explained 68 percent of the variation in employee innovation behavior.
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