New Zealand's Public Administration Experience in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Naphatpapa Sawangnuwatkul


This academic article intends to present a model of government administration for controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus. By learning from New Zealand's public sector management expertise, one of the nations regarded as one of the finest in the world for managing the spread of COVID-19. New Zealand draws on its experience handling the influenza epidemic to guide its response to the spread of COVID-19 through its Elimination Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand. The strategy has been modified to operate in four phases: 1) Keep it out, 2) Prepare for it, 3) Stamp it out, and 4) Manage the impact. It has been found, through lessons learned, that the factors leading to success in management consist of strong leadership, effective communication, collaborative decision-making, effective policy management, and building agile capability. This finding shows that New Zealand has effectively adhered to crisis management principles. They emphasize clear policies, adaptable strategies, and creating operational cooperation among stakeholders in all sectors to quickly manage the situation. As a result, New Zealand has managed COVID-19 effectively and efficiently, demonstrating a sustainable strategy that other nations might follow.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic article)


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