A Mediation Analysis of Loyalty on the Relationship between work Life Balance and Innovative Behavior
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The aim of this research was to examine how loyalty mediates the relationship between work life balance and innovative behavior. The study focused on employees working in convenience stores in Bangkok. A sample of 400 employees which were selected by accidental sampling. The instrument for data collection was questionnaires. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and testing the hypothesis by using correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The research findings can be summarized as follows: Firstly, work life balance displayed a significant positive correlation with loyalty at the .01 level. Secondly, loyalty exhibited a significant positive correlation with innovative behavior at the .01 level. Thirdly, work life balance demonstrated a significant positive correlation with innovative behavior at the .01 level. Lastly, loyalty was found to partially mediate the relationships between work life balance and innovative behavior.
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