Guideline of Development Teacher’s Competency Innovator Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Woranidtha Kamyos
Sopa Umnuayrat
Sunthon Khlaium
Namfon Gunma


This research aims to study components, indicators, current conditions, and guidelines for innovator competency development of primary school teachers Under the Office of the Basic Education. Commission Use research methods that combine quantitative research methods and qualitative research to collect information from relevant documents and research. Inquire about the current situation of primary education administrators in the northern region with a sample of 375 people. It was obtained by multi-stage random sampling from the population of 5,613 and interviewed 7 experts, obtained by purposive selection. The research tools were content analysis form, questionnaire and interview form. Data were analyzed by induction content analysis, mean and standard deviation.The research findings were as follows : 1) Components and indicators of teacher innovator competence consisted of 6 components as follows : 1.1) Creativity 10 indicators 1.2) Individual personality 8 indicators 1.3) Questioning 6 indicators 1.4) Knowledge and practice 9 indicators 1.5) Social networking 7 indicators and  1.6) Experimental 10 indicators 2) Current condition, teacher innovator competency Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, it was found that the overall level was moderate. When considering each aspect, the 2nd aspect is personal personality at a high level, followed by aspect 3, questioning, at a high level, and aspect 1, creativity in moderate level, respectively. 3) Guidelines for teacher innovator competency development under the Office of the Basic Education Commission found that 3.1) setting policies, practices and goals, including allocating sufficient budgets. 3.2) creating a learning organization through teacher development programs. Workshops. 3.3) Create a professional learning community PLC.      3.4) Adjust the conceptual framework Mindset to raise awareness of innovators. 3.5) Support and promote the thinking process in the classroom from teachers to students based on learning with research. 3.6) Create systems and mechanisms for social innovation, culture and atmosphere for sharing learning. 3.7) Develop research-based innovation. Teacher development program in educational institutions through Design Thinking. 3.8) Adjust educational institutions to have innovative development strategies. It consists of vision, mission, structure and goals. 3.9) Change the organization. Building quality to strength Create an ecosystem of innovator development. 3.10) Emphasis on being a good communicator and creating a culture of collaboration driven by the mechanism of digital technology. 

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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