Potential and Design of Community Tourism Routes in Bang Sawan Subdistrict, Phra Saeng District, Surat Thani Province
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This research on the potential and design of community tourism routes in Bang Sawan Subdistrict, Phrasaeng District, Surat Thani Province achieved the following objectives: Survey results of tourist preferences from 420 respondents revealed that the majority expressed a desire to visit tourist attractions at Khlong Nam Sai without overnight stays with 60.48%. Moreover, if an overnight stay is necessary at the tourist destination, 55.71% indicated a preference to stay at Khlong Nam Sai and preferring resort-style accommodations with 56.67%. The primary activity of interest at the tourist destination is sightseeing with 60.95%. Furthermore, 74.76% expressed a need for food and beverage services at the community-based tourist attraction, while 66.67% requested storytellers to narrate the stories of the tourist destination. Regarding the expenses incurred when visiting the community-based tourist destination, respondents agreed to spend less than 1,000 Baht per trip. The potential evaluation of the community-based tourist destination from 12 informants indicated that the majority possessed high potential across the board, particularly in terms of attractiveness and the local residents' attitudes. A total of 17 respondents tested and discussed three main tourist routes design: half-day morning tours, half-day afternoon tours, and full-day tours.
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