The Development of English Speaking Skills Using Online Collaborative Learning for Myanmar Migrant Students in Thailand

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Nang Aye Aye Than
Techameth Pianchana


This study was conducted through a mixed-methods approach to determine whether implementing online collaborative learning (OCL) strategies in English-speaking classes had an effect on developing English-speaking skills and exploring the opinions of Myanmar migrant students in Thailand. A purposeful sample group of 20 participants was chosen from the estimated 250 enrollments in the third semester of 2023 at the Bawaalin Myanmar Vocational Training Center in Thailand. The sample group was taught through OCL settings for a month. Its effectiveness was assessed using the three data collection instruments. The quantitative data acquired from English-speaking skills tests were evaluated using a paired sample t-test based on the mean, standard deviation, and significant value. The examination of the English speaking skills test score revealed a significant mean difference of 14.14 (35.34%) between the pretest mean (µ = 13.50) and the posttest mean (µ = 27.64). The significance value was .000. The students’ opinion questionnaires had a result of α.90, indicating the excellent level of their opinions toward the method. The qualitative data obtained from a one-on-one student's opinion interview revealed that online collaborative learning has a positive impact on the overall opinions of Myanmar migrant students. The findings demonstrated that the English-speaking skills of Myanmar migrant students were developed, and their opinions toward the applied method were also at a high level. Therefore, online collaborative learning was strongly recommended for making a choice for teaching all subjects and skills in order to attain similar goals.

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