The Use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) through Cake Application to Improve Speaking Skill of Grade 6 Bhutanese ESL Students
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The study was aimed to examine the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) through Cake application in improving speaking skill of grade 6 Bhutanese ESL students and to find out students’ learning satisfaction about the use of MALL through Cake. A quasi-experimental research design was incorporated by selecting one section of 30 participants from two sections through a simple random sampling. The quantitative data gathered using pretest, posttest and questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted applying inferential statistics t-test with p .05 level of significance, mean, and standard deviation. Likewise, qualitative data through focus group interview were condensed, coded and analyzed by a theme-based approach. The results based on the pretest and posttest showed that the students’ posttest mean score of 13.50 was higher than the pretest mean score of 7.77 with a mean score difference of 5.73. Further, the significant p value was .01 which indicated that MALL through Cake was effective in teaching English Speaking. Besides, the findings of questionnaire and focus group interview showed that the students developed much better in speaking skill which was interpreted as a high level of satisfaction; therefore, the use of MALL through Cake application was an effective tool to teach English speaking skill.
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