Students’ Perception of Face-to-Face and Online Instruction in Foreign Language Learning

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Juan Carlos Olmos Alcoy
Agnieszka Atthasit


This research explored students’ perception vis-à-vis of the (dis)advantages of face-to-face and online learning of foreign languages in a tertiary education institution in Thailand. The research took a mixed methods approach utilizing a pre-set questionnaire and a multiple-choice question. Data were collected from 433 students using an online platform and then analyzed using simple statistics. Findings showed that the main advantages of studying online are easy access to the Internet, the self-determined pace of learning, while the main advantage of face-to-face instruction is better social interaction. Conversely, the main disadvantage of studying online is the difficulty of interacting with classmates and the instructor; the main disadvantage of face-to-face learning is students feeling more self-conscious of mistakes made. The findings also indicate the participants prefer learning either in the traditional classroom environment or via the hybrid mode.

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