Theoretical Problems of Right of Retention in Thai Law


  • Korrasut Khopuangklang Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
  • Kittipob Wangkham Faculty of Law, Thammasat University


Right of Retention, Obligation in His Favour Relating to the Property Possessed, Extinction of Right of Retention


The right of retention under Thai law enables creditors to exercise their right themselves without having to ask the court to enforce it. Since some legal aspects of the concept of the right of retention are theoretically uncertain, the purpose of this article is to provide a proper interpretation of this right for two main issues.

Firstly, there are different interpretations of the clause “obligation in his favour relating to the property possessed”, which is an element of the right of retention. On the one hand, some writers seem to suggest that it means that the holder of the right of retention must have done something to allow him to retain the property; on the other hand, the second interpretation, which is broader and covers the first theory of interpretation, suggests that it is unnecessary for the holder of the right of retention to have done something beneficial to the property retained. He is entitled to retain the property if it is related to the obligation and is beneficial to him.

As for the second issue, the right of retention is extinguished by the loss of possession of the property retained, with two exceptions. One is when the property retained is let with the consent of the debtor and the other is when the property retained is pledged with the consent of the debtor. In relation to this issue, most writers do not clearly explain the clause “loss of possession”. Rather, they merely provide an example where the right of retention lapses if, for example, the holder of the right of retention voluntarily returns the property retained to the debtor. Hence, if the holder of the right of retention involuntarily loses possession of the property retained, such as it is stolen or removed by the debtor, who is the owner of the property, it is unclear whether the right of retention is extinguished or not.



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