Singing by following Anapanasati

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Suthanaree Krajangkantamat



Singing is the science of voicing gently together with using of emotion in the systematical transmission of sound. It comprises of principles and steps to help in refining singer to feel relaxing both physical and mental. The good singing refers to the respiration control to be as one with the song including preparing both before and during do the singing for the best way of transmitting song nicely. The singing theory can be linked to Anapanasati harmoniously. The singing trainee will be conscious and recognize breathing in and out including all motions while singing that leads to values and benefits by holding Anapanasati and the right way of singing.

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How to Cite
Krajangkantamat, S. . (2020). Singing by following Anapanasati. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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