Comparing the Search for Truth in Buddhism and Science

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narumon Su


There must be a method to reach and access the truth of each science. The 4 Noble Truths are a method in Buddhism to solving life’s problems and approach the truth at the same time. This is similar to how the scientific method is used in experiments and searching for truths in the physical world. The scientific method starts with a question based on observations, which leads to a theory or hypothesis. In comparing the methods of accessing truth in religion and science, there are many similarities like curiosity in phenomena, which prompts a researcher to study root the phenomenon’s root causes. Upon discovery of the root cause, a researcher may devise methods or equipment to see the problem and causes more clearly. However, the methods of both sciences have some differences, where it is unable to say that one is better than the other because ultimately, using both sciences’ methods can lead to benefits and accessing different perspectives of the truth.

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How to Cite
Su, narumon. (2021). Comparing the Search for Truth in Buddhism and Science. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(2), 15–23. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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