Debt Management in Society: The Buddhism Point of View

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Pakdee Makejumroen


Increasing the buying power of consumer and expand customer base for seller are the usefulness of debt, but at the same time it also causes the side effect of debt issue at individual and household level. Theravada Buddhism doesn’t totally reject the concept of debt. The concept “Debt is the cause of suffering in human life” is only mean “Informal debt” that arrange between people outside of banking system. Buddhism provide concept Diṭṭhadhammikattha-saṃvattnika-dhamma (Virtues leading to present welfare) to avoid debt, from income side, we can use Uṭṭhānasampadā (Achievement of diligence) to increase income and Ārakkhasampadā (Achievement of protection) to prevent loss of income. From expense side, we can use Kanlyāṇamittataā (Associate with good people), Samajīvitā (Living economically) and Apāyamukha (Causes of ruin).

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How to Cite
Makejumroen, P. (2021). Debt Management in Society: The Buddhism Point of View. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(2), 24–34. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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