Human Behavior Development According to Carita 6

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Phra Sorapong Paññādharo (Jullapho)


Human Behavior is the expression of body, speech and mind. When taking allinto account, they are human being according to Carita 6. Developing human behavior
according to Carita 6 can be performed by applying meditation, namely: 1. Lustful Carita, a beauty-loving and clinging to body person, can be developed by corpses (unattractive). 2. Quick-tempered Carita, a furious person, can be developed by polite and gentle dharma such as the four sublime states 3. Deluded Carita, a delusional person, must relyon bright and clear dharma which is mindfulness regarding  breathing. 4. Faithful Carita, a believer, can be developed by recollection 6 and  reasoning mediation such as analysis of the four elements. 5. Intelligent Carita, a wise and mind over matter person, should be developed by meditation that supports reasons in a right direction with solid wisdom that is recollection of peace. 6. Speculative Carita, an idea person, can be developed by mindfulness regarding

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How to Cite
Paññādharo (Jullapho), P. S. . (2021). Human Behavior Development According to Carita 6. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(2), 72–81. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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