Guidelines for Contemplating the Five Aggregates in the New Normal Age

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Miss Benchawan Chayangkura Na Ayutthaya


Thailand was faced with a crisis of spreading the belief of "Coronavirus" or called (COVID 19). Affect the way of life of people all over the world Causing people to adapt to life in a new society. Brought to a society called New Normal. Is to live in a new way that is different from the past. Causing us human suffering, stress, and depression. Because humans have a body and mind. Human life arises from the situation and the combination of the five aggregates, as; Corporeality, Sensation, Perception, Mental formations and Consciousness. Khan is the body and the mind. Khan is a burden that causes suffering. In Buddhism, teaching to end suffering through meditation is a device for considering and determining knowledge. Because everyone has a body and mind. Mindfulness Therefore, the five aggregates must be used as mood by defining the four knowledge bases Is the body of pity, the mind and the dharma. Is able to consider the occurrence and cessation of five aggregates to understand the nature of life, and moreover he can figure the way that life is and uncontrollable entity under the rule of three characteristics. Accessing the state of the cessation of suffering through meditation practice is the site of mental functioning. It is something that uses emotions in the prayer. Is a tactic to induce concentration. Guidelines for Contemplating the Five Aggregates in the New Normal Age It is a new form of knowledge in a new changed society. Define as normal, but keep up with the new changes. And can live together Or stay with a new replacement As usual in the past.

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How to Cite
Chayangkura Na Ayutthaya, B. (2021). Guidelines for Contemplating the Five Aggregates in the New Normal Age . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(2), 96–106. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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