The Integration of School Management in Accordance with Supparisa-Dhamma 7

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Ms.Patchraporn Pimpa




school management has many factors as key elements.Effective management is a path to success. Supparisa-Dhamma 7 are as follows: knowing the cause means management must consider the facts correctly in order to effectively and efficiently achieve the organizational goal; knowing the effect means quality roadmap, planning and various impact analysis;  knowing oneself means knowing the weakness and strength of our organization, improving organization and keeping up with the situation; knowing how to moderate means financial management, estimate of sufficiency; knowing timing means appropriate time management i.e. what should be omitted and what should be performed;  knowing the assembly means kind management, consideration for other and knowing the individual means putting oneself in someone’s shoes.   When management applies Supparisa-Dhamma 7, it will lead to more effective and efficient management. 


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How to Cite
Pimpa, P. (2021). The Integration of School Management in Accordance with Supparisa-Dhamma 7. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(3), 46–54. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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