The Nutrition build immunity NCDs of Elderly New Normal

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Thongmai Thongsuk


The number one health problem in the world and number one in Thailand. The percentage of chronic non-communicable diseases is higher than that of the international population. Economic and social changes, new way of life in Thailand. The way of life, especially food consumption behavior of Thai people has changed accordingly. May cause malnutrition, especially in the elderly 60 years and older higher The food consumption of the elderly in the form New Normal It has come to an era that has changed both personal, family and social behaviors. including the sudden environment lead to disease eating spicy food such as very sweet, very salty, high-fat foods, etc. which will occur in the chronic non-communicable disease group which will not get sick or show symptoms immediately, but will gradually accumulated until causing various diseases in the future include Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension Metabolic syndrome cardiovascular diseases Pulmonary Emphysema and carcinoma.

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How to Cite
Thongsuk, T. (2022). The Nutrition build immunity NCDs of Elderly New Normal . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(1), 92–99. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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