Defeating covid-19 with Dhamma in mind

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nuttapong namsirikul


This article is written from my own experiences that my family and me had been through the worst period of the covid-19 as Thailand is facing the third and most severe wave of COVID-19 in the year 2021. This new pandemic has caused society to react with panic to coronavirus.  In Buddhism we have a saying the well trained “mind” can bring about long-term changes in mood and levels of happiness and wellbeing. When one has gained happiness from mindfulness, then can send to others around and to the society. The goal of this article is to explain how to adapt Dhamma and mindfulness principal to fight with COVID-19 pandemic, this can be used with any disease in life when people go through the pain, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, HIVS or dealing with any tough situations in life. Learning Dhamma and mindfulness can help you find ways to stay mentally healthy and your good mental health can lead to a good physical health.

Mindfulness is somewhat like a vaccine to prevent your mind from the spiritual virus, negative emotions. And Dhamma is like a medicine that will heal your soul when you get mentally sick. As a human being we should learn to be mindful in every single minutes. Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better. When we become more aware of the present moment, we begin to experience afresh things that we have been taking for granted.

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How to Cite
namsirikul, nuttapong. (2022). Defeating covid-19 with Dhamma in mind. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(1), 31–42. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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