Analyze the relationship of gender and Karmma in Buddhism

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Pongsatorn Pilouk


This article focuses on analyzing relationship of gender and karma in Buddhism. The study found that there are two common rationale factors which are cause to affect being female or being male, including non-female and non-male and bisexual. The first factor is karma, which is an act in which there are 2 types that affect obtaining gender, good deeds or merit and bad deeds or sin. The evil act which has a clear effect on the determination of gender in the next life is the violation of Article 3 precepts, which are harassment, infidelity or adultery with other’s wife or husband or incontinence sexuality. And the second factor is the mental prayer or desire which may be caused by boredom of one's original gender or satisfaction with former gender in the present life. This feeling of being bored or satisfied will cause the mental prayer or desire to get the desired gender in the next life. Therefore, gaining any gender, actions and desires in this life will affect the gaining of gender in the future life. However, at the end gender in Buddhism is not an obstacle to access to the cessation of suffering.

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How to Cite
Pilouk, P. . . (2022). Analyze the relationship of gender and Karmma in Buddhism. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(2), ุ65–76. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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