Enhancing holistic health of The Elderly by Vegetarianism according to Buddhist

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Phra Sarawut Chantana



It is said that the Enhancing holistic health of The Elderly by Vegetarianism according to Buddhist becomes the method that would help the elderly live their daily life happily. Because of their struggling and working hardship for the family and nation, they have been facing the weakness of health where their mental and physical health is greatly affected by various diseases giving rise to stress resulting in getting severely sickness. In this respect, vegetarian food is obviously held as the good nutrition food to the body owing to easily digestion and thereby being suitable for the elderly whose digestive system is lesser effective than the usual one. By the help of this, the physical health of the elderly would be more strengthening. Apart from this, the strict method in consuming vegetarian food based on five precepts regarded as the foundation of a human being will support the mental health to the elderly whereby variety of stress and anxiety would be destroyed. Therefore, this paper is purposely made to introduce certain benefit gained from vegetarian food consumption to strengthening the bodily and mental health through the application of Buddhist principles.

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How to Cite
Chantana, P. S. (2022). Enhancing holistic health of The Elderly by Vegetarianism according to Buddhist. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 65–77. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/261919
Academic Article




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