The Enhancement of the Quality of Life of the Elderly According to Satipațțhāna 4 Principles

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Niwat Phutwanphen


The enhancement of the quality of life of the elderly according to Satipațțhāna 4 Principles is aimed at enabling the elderly with physical and mental health problems. There was a change in the quality of life for the better. It is an exercise in the mind to meditate. When the mind is concentrated, it consists of quality, health, and performance. This will result in the elderly having good holistic health both physically and mentally. It also results in the availability of one to face the possibility of life and be able to deal with all things to achieve good results. Satipațțhāna 4 Principles is the Dhamma in Buddhism. It consists of four factors, the mindfulness of body, the mindfulness of feelings or sensations, mindfulness of consciousness and mindfulness of Dhammas. The elderly who have completed the Satipațțhāna 4 course would have accepted that it is beneficial to holistic health, both physically and mentally, as well as their overall quality of life, and they are ready to live a happy life.

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How to Cite
Phutwanphen, N. (2022). The Enhancement of the Quality of Life of the Elderly According to Satipațțhāna 4 Principles. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 52–64. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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