Wisdom "A tool for making wisdom cheerful.

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Banpichit Anupan


                         Intellectual development aims to benefit oneself and others. Teach human beings to be freed from the changing situation of ethics in today's world. Wisdom, the “tool for enlightenment,” is the nature of knowing clearly, enlightening, knowing the truth, knowing all, profound knowledge, distinguishing good and evil, knowing sin and virtue. blame Know the benefits that will occur know the punishment that has been committed know the cause, know the effect and analyze what should be done and what should not be done, which is the basis for a basic understanding that is the starting point To lead to the development of wisdom at a higher level, namely, global wisdom, which is the wisdom thatarises from listening and thinking. As for the wisdom in the worldly wisdom, it is the wisdom that arises from the development of introspection, the wisdom at the lokiya level, the wisdom that is still born in the various worlds, the wisdom in the worldly wisdom is the wisdom that Completely eradicate defilements, which is the ultimate goal in Buddhism. which the use of wisdom or trisikkha to solve the problems of Buddhists' lives in Thai society.

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How to Cite
Anupan, B. (2022). Wisdom "A tool for making wisdom cheerful. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 90–101. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/262448
Academic Article




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