Educational innovations and technologies, active learning activities and educational games. science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 School of Audio Studies, Nakhon Pathom Province -

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์Ntapat Worapongpat


This Article aimed to study 1) Develop the organization of the learning process by using proactive learning management and educational games suitable for teaching and learning conditions. science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom 2) Study the effect of organizing the learning process by using proactive learning management and educational game lessons. Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom 3) Compare abilities learning before and after using learning activities using proactive learning management and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom and 4) The satisfaction of learning activities by using learning management was studied. proactive and educational game science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom the sample This research is an experimental research. The tools used to collect information include: Learning activities using proactive learning management and educational games Record the result after the arrangement learning behind the plan Achievement Test Educational Game Quiz Game with Wordwall YouTube and atisfaction Survey. The statistics used in data analysis include content analysis, data collection and separation including interpretations from exercises/worksheets answering questions from the game and satisfaction assessment form. The target group of this research is students grade 5/1 at Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province, semester 1, academic year 2022. A total of 9 people were obtained by selective selection 7 teachers with hearing impairments with methods for conducting research as follows: 1) Pre-testing 2) Orientation and clarification let students know the objectives. 3) Implement learning activities according to the learning management plan with learning activities using proactive learning management and educational games 4) Conducting Post-test and 5) Collecting data. The results of the research showed that
1) Using the learning process by using proactive learning management and educational games is suitable for science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province because students can learn according to their purpose. Have knowledge and understanding that can be applied 2) Implementing learning processes using proactive learning management and educational games can develop knowledge and understanding of science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province. After organizing the learning process. Students can do exercises/worksheets at a good level and the achievement test through questions from educational games 100 percent 3) From the results of the comparison of learning ability on proactive learning management and educational games can develop knowledge and understanding of science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom Province by using proactive learning management activities and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province, found that the student's pre-study ability score is the student's pre-study score average 1.96 scores, representing 19.60 percent and the scores on academic ability after school were 8.38 or 83.80 percent of the average scores from both tests students progress increase in learning with an average score of 6.42 representing 64.20% indicating that the learning ability after the use of proactive learning management activities and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province using organized activities active learning and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province was higher than before by using proactive learning management activities and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf, Nakhon Pathom province which is in accordance with the assumptions set due to the activity proactive learning management and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School for the Deaf , Nakhon Pathom province that development focuses on allowing students to practice frequent repetitions with various learning activities. Make students practice until they become proficient.These findings are consistent with the ideas of Edger Dale (1969) and 4) Teachers and students were satisfied with the learning activities using proactive learning management and educational games science course about living things and the environment Grade 5, Nakhon Pathom School

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How to Cite
Worapongpat ์. (2023). Educational innovations and technologies, active learning activities and educational games. science course about living things and the environment Grade 5 School of Audio Studies, Nakhon Pathom Province: -. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 1–12. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

์Ntapat Worapongpat, Ntapat Worapongpat



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