Realizing the taints with the Dhamma mind

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viriya raksri


Applying the Dhamma mind that is mindfulness (sati), and wisdom (paññā) is the method to realize and prevent suffering caused by the taints (āsava) and habituated suffering. One will become aware that mental defilements (kilesa) arise from the accumulation of the taints because the Dhamma mind has never been applied. Reviewing present suffering through the knowledge about abandoning the taints alleviates suffering. There are six ways to abandon the taints: abandoning by restraint, abandoning by using, abandoning by enduring, abandoning by avoiding, abandoning by getting rid of, and abandoning by developing. Then, one applies forbearance (khanti dhamma) to abandon these taints and withstand the old familiar habits. One must practice regularly when facing with suffering until habituated suffering becomes less and transforms to habituated non-suffering. However, this begins with mindfulness, and one must practice forbearance and has resistance to the accumulated taints. When more taints are not added, they become less. Once they become less, mental defilements which are received at that moment will also become less. Hence, there is lesser suffering. The cycle proceeds in this way.

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How to Cite
raksri, viriya. (2023). Realizing the taints with the Dhamma mind . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 40–54. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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