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Anunyar Nitchote


Iddhipāda 4 Operations in the organization are 4 divisions: management, finance, marketing. and production department It can be considered very important to the organization. Every worker in the organization should have their own potential to be able to develop more knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve their own quality. Knowledge development is learning to understand and analyze. Skill development Be creative as well as develop knowledge and ability to create a vision. and change attitudes to be effective personnel By learning together to develop quality personnel. And work efficiency is important that will help promote the development of personnel into a learning organization (learning organization) for the benefit of personnel and the organization is to bring the four powers of power to promote work efficiency in both Management Department, Finance Department, Marketing Department and production department A worker in these four areas should be work-loving-satisfied with work (chanta), diligence in work (viriya), attentive and responsible for work (citta), and wisdom to reflect and inspect (vimansa). Baht 4 is therefore a principle that connects all 4 items that will make operators successful in life and work. can be applied in all activities to be successful in the next job.

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How to Cite
Nitchote, A. (2023). IDDHIPĀDA 4 : OPTIMIZING THE PERFORMANCE. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 108–118. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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