Application of good governance in personnel management of elementary school Under the Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 3.

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somphon chantaros
Somphon chantaros


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of good governance in administration. 2) to compare the use of good governance principles in personnel management of elementary schools under the Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Classified by position, educational background and work experience, and 3) to study the suggestions for the use of good governance principles in personnel management of elementary schools under the Office of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The sample group used in the research was school administrators and teachers of elementary school under the Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 3 divided into 132 school administrators and 335 teachers. A confidence value of 0.92 and an interview form. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation T test F value test and content analysis.
The results showed that
1. School administrators and teachers had opinions on the use of good governance in personnel management of elementary schools. Under the Office of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area 3, overall, at the highest level.
2. Comparison of the use of good governance principles in personnel management of elementary schools under the Office of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area 3 classified by position and classified by educational qualifications, found that there were substantially different opinions. was statistically significant at the 0.05 level, but when classified by work experience There are no different opinions.
3. Suggestions for the use of good governance principles in personnel management of elementary schools Under the Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 3 Found that the rule of law educational institution administrators must administer according to the law and encourages educational personnel to strictly adhere to discipline. Morality educational institution administrators perform their duties with honesty, integrity, sincerity, diligence, patience, and discipline personnel are encouraged and supported in every aspect. Transparency, school administrators work honestly, able to inspect operations. The principle of participation,school administrators should involve all parties in the operation. Responsibility, educational institution administrators assign tasks to match their knowledge and abilities. The main aspect of value, school administrators should develop and solve problems in educational institutions by adhering to the common interest and carrying out various tasks, using the resources available in educational institutions to manage for the most benefit and cost-effectiveness.

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How to Cite
chantaros, somphon, & chantaros, S. . . (2023). Application of good governance in personnel management of elementary school Under the Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 3. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(2), 36 – 48. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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