A Buddhist Intergrated mental health Development fo Construction entreprenurs in Thai society.

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yongyut pongsri


This research has three objectives: 1) To study the mental health state of the construction entrepreneurs in current Thai society, 2) To study Buddhadhamma, the Buddhist principles for improving mental health of the construction entrepreneurs in Thai society, 3) To present the Buddhist integrated approach model for improving mental health of the construction entrepreneurs in Thai society. This research is qualitative research. The methods include in-depth interviews from twenty interviewees, and documentary research for suitable Buddhadhamma for improving mental health of the construction entrepreneurs through Buddhist integrated approach. From data analysis, the research found that the current mental health of the construction entrepreneurs can be summarized as follows: 1) Mental health during normal mental state. A mentally healthy person must be happy and is able to do things according to one’s physical, intellectual, and mental capability. He can be aware of trouble that will affect his own mind. 2) Mental health during construction crisis. It is the state that will affect mental health, cause stress, anxiety, discouragement, lack of work motivation and depression. 3) Behavior and effect from mental health will cause stress, worry, anxiety, depression, impaired work function, aggression, despair, discouragement, and risk for suicide. The behavior and the effect from mental health will lead to accumulated stress and make life under stress and pressure. Buddhadhamma for improving mental health of the construction entrepreneurs are four mental developments (bhāvanā), The qualities of a successful businessperson (pāpaṇika dhamma), The noble eightfold path, and mindfulness (sati). The Buddhist integrated approach model for improving the mental health of the construction entrepreneurs is “BMP” model. This model can be applied for stability and sustainability improvement of the construction entrepreneurs’ mental health.

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How to Cite
pongsri, yongyut. (2023). A Buddhist Intergrated mental health Development fo Construction entreprenurs in Thai society. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(2), 84–97. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/267158
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