Reasoning in Anattalakkhana Sutta

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Phrakrudhammadhron Phaiboon Ñānavipulo, Dr. (Phisanwachiropas)


The Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta is the second sutra that the Lord Buddha taught to the Panchavaggi at Isipattana Maruegathayawan Forest, Varanasi, on the waning day of the 5th day of the 8th lunar month. The essence of the Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta is to point out the impermanence of all things, showing that form, sensation, perception, body and consciousness or the five aggregates are impermanent, suffering, and subject to change. It should not be seen primarily with lust, mana, view that this is mine, this is me, this is my identity.
In reasoning in the Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, the Buddha used two types of principles and methods of reasoning: The first type is a deductive reasoning method. By using the topic of Dhamma Let's set it up as a topic for use in explaining.. After that, it was explained so that the listeners would understand that all these dharmas were non-self. In the end, it concluded that These dharmas are anatta. The second type is an inductive reasoning method, which is to take the Dhamma topics of form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness as a leading question. When the listener answers how it is, that answer will be used as the next question. To lead to the destination that the Lord Buddha wanted. When the listener understands what the Buddha has presented Finally, he concludes by asking questions to get the listeners to accept that reason.


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How to Cite
Ñānavipulo, Dr. (Phisanwachiropas) , P. P. . (2023). Reasoning in Anattalakkhana Sutta. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 168–178. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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