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Dissertation on “Cultivating Morality in Kindergarten Students by Using Buddhist Integration” aims to reach the following objectives: 1. To study the principles of organizing education for kindergarten children. 2. To study the Buddhist principle to integrate and cultivate morality in kindergarten students, and 3. To propose the way to cultivate morality in kindergarten students by using Buddhist integration. This is qualitative research.  There were 19 key informants/people participated in in-depth interview. Data were analyzed and presented in a descriptive analysis.

The research findings were 1. The kindergarten education principle must be organized to align with the country's educational development plan and align with the 4 developmental areas for children which relevant contents, variety of activities are organized and well integration of individual assessment. 2. Adopting the principles of giving, sharing, generosity and support. Precepts will promote well living together with respect each other, creating happiness. And meditation will promote the development of body, morality, mind, and wisdom. 3. Virtue can be instilled in kindergarten students through Buddhist integration in four aspects as follows: 1) Curriculum: Children with intelligence would bring their abilities to the world. To express kindness to others, have responsibilities, and reach their full potential. Learning content and lesson plans should encourage students to apply in their daily lives. 2) Organizing a variety of teaching and learning activities shall create good hygiene habits. Learning can happen anytime which lead to develop the habit of being a giver and use their intelligence to solve problems with happiness. 3) Media and atmosphere that are warm, cool, friendly would promote the passion for learning and creation. The cost-effective use of materials which could be modified from the surrounding media would be friendly to the environment. 4) Measurement and evaluation Individuals in various ways covering both good behavior towards the environment and towards others. Elevating the mind to ensure it won’t be falling into a gloomy way and use intelligence to creatively deal with problems, with right thoughts and knowledge.


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How to Cite
TUATISON, S. (2023). MORAL CULTIVATION OF KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS BY USING BUDDHIST INTEGRATION . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 30–45. Retrieved from
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