The Healing With Herbs According to Buddhist Methods Wat Thamkrabok Sarabur Province

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Phrawongsupat A-mornkittisak


therapists, (2) to study the process of herbal therapy according to the Buddhist method, (3) to study the effects of herbal therapy according to the Buddhist methods of those who come to herbal therapists (Qualitative Research).
The results of the research showed that the motivation of herbal therapists Wat Tham Krabok, Saraburi Province Overall, motivation is part of the therapeutic process. How much or how little a person in a group will be motivated to treat a disease depends on the incentives in the environment in which it is located. Good health treatments that help to improve health and make those who come to the treatment have better health and are satisfied and happy for those who come to herbal treatments. It can be seen that herbs It is considered as an alternative medical treatment option. Medicinal plants are easy to grow in general areas, clean and safe, without any side effects.
Herbal healing process Overall, Buddhism is directly related to health because Buddhism helps people to have good mental health, which is a process and a rational system for solving human problems or treating diseases of life. According to the doctrine of Buddhism To keep the heart from suffering. There is a Buddhist therapeutic process that focuses mainly on physical and mental therapy. Steps to drink herbs Herbal baking is an antitoxin. Detoxify only from the body. To be able to apply the principles to the patients who undergo therapy so that the practitioners can see things as they really are and behave in harmony with nature. Drop away from the bad and experience true happiness. Healing requires Buddhist principles to guide life.
The effect of herbal therapy according to the Buddhist method. Wat Tham Mul, Saraburi Province, including therapeutic approaches. Applying principles to heal when sick, namely The seven of Enlightenment, Four Paths of Accomplishment, Three Characteristics, Four Noble Truths, which are all Dhammas taught by the Buddha. Mindfulness, self-regulation in the present The practice of meditation involves the mind being focused at every mental moment. Knowing how to leave blank is not adhered to. Using wisdom to determine cause and effect and purify the mind without lust to cure diseases to heal and disappear. Therapeutic effects help to maintain good health. The body is healthy, refreshed, and the brain is clear. Relieve stress, relieve anxiety The body has strength, breathes more easily, appetite a lot, makes you feel encouraged, revered with faith like the Buddhist teachings, makes you have a cheerful mind, steadfast. Be more focused. Training to train a strong mind to be able to fight germs. As a result, I have been treated with herbs, both drinking herbal medicine and herbal steam to remove germs and detoxification, excrete from the body, adjust the 4 elements in the body to balance in the body. Reduce the risk of disease Have a better body protection system. Develop a strong and stable mind, not be swayed by various emotions, be happy directly to the mind in order to further improve the quality of life.


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How to Cite
A-mornkittisak, P. (2023). The Healing With Herbs According to Buddhist Methods Wat Thamkrabok Sarabur Province. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 145–156. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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