Instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession for police cadets in Training Center Provincial Police Region 3

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Naphat Thinnarach


The objectives of this research were to investigate the conditions of instructional management, to develop instructional guidelines and to evaluate instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession for police cadets in Provincial Police Training Center Region 3. This study used mixed methods design through quantitative and qualitative research. The sample consisted of 275 police cadets, Batch 13 in Provincial Police Training Center Region 3. Key informants were 21 experts. Data were analyzed by PNI analysis, content analysis, statistics including mean and standard deviation.

The research results indicated that for overall conditions of instructional management, including  instructional management, ethics and code of ethics in police profession and instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession, the mean score on Priority Needs Index (PNI) was 0.01.  Instructional management and ethics and code of ethics in the police profession influenced instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession with a statistical significance level of 0.05.  In terms of instructional guidelines, it was found that for instructional management, studying and researching from knowledge sources, preparing reports for presenting  in front of the class and organizing field study were prioritized.  For ethics and code of ethics in the police profession, honesty and integrity, performing duties according to law in collecting evidence, and professionalism were prioritized. For instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession, studying ways to be good role models, organizing seminars, interviewing knowledgeable and experiential people,  reporting and presenting in front of the class, organizing training, participating in Buddhist activities, recruiting people with good role models as special speakers and allowing the general public to participate in expressing their opinions were prioritized. Lastly, the results of evaluation of instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession revealed that the suitability and feasibility were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Thinnarach, N. (2023). Instructional guidelines to strengthen ethics and code of ethics in the police profession for police cadets in Training Center Provincial Police Region 3. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 105–118. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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