The guidelines for propagating the 38 Maṅgalas according to the Pāṭimokkha of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria Federal Republic of Germany

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phramaha chanchai worawong


Research article on “The guidelines for propagating the 38 Maṅgalas according to the Pāṭimokkha of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria Federal Republic of Germany”, it has three objectives: (1) to study the Pāṭimokkha principles of Dhammaduta Bhikkhus as appeared in Buddhist scriptures; (2) to study the 38 Maṅgalas principles of Dhamma propagation of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria; and (3) to present the guidelines for propagating the 38 Maṅgala according to the Pāṭimokkha of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria Federal Republic of Germany. It is employed by qualitative research, in which data were collected by studying the documents, related researches and in-depth interviews 28 persons. The collected data were analyzed and presented by an analytical description. The research results found that Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria follow the principles of Pāṭimokkhasaṁvara, which is 227 precepts, and adhere to the Ovadapāṭimokkha for the propagation of Buddhism. Propagating the Dhamma with 38 Maṅgalas for improving the quality of life for happiness life success for Buddhists in various aspects consists of family aspect, work aspect, mental aspect, building good relationships with others, self-development and building stability in life. Propagation guidelines the messenger is a Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus who has Saddhā, Vijjā, and Caraṇa. The message is the 38 Maṅgalas, divided into 3 stages according to the ages: early childhood, middle childhood, and late childhood. The medium or channel is Areas in temples and online on various social media and the recipients are Buddhists, who train people physically, verbally, and mentally. Knowledge of the guidelines for propagating the 38 Maṅgalas according to the Pāṭimokkha of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria, called MAN OF THE RULE, LIFE OF THE MAṄGALA is that Dhammaduta Bhikkhus must have rules and regulations according to the Pāṭimokkha principles, conduct themselves according to the Ovadapāṭimokkha, propagating the Dhamma to create happiness and auspiciousness for human life with 38 Maṅgalas.

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How to Cite
worawong, phramaha chanchai. (2023). The guidelines for propagating the 38 Maṅgalas according to the Pāṭimokkha of Thai Dhammaduta Bhikkhus in Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria Federal Republic of Germany. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 90–104. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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