Wellness Tourism Activities Development of Ban Sawai So, Buri Ram Province
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the potential and management of Ban Sawai So community-based wellness tourism; 2) to study the motivation of tourists toward Ban Sawai So community-based wellness tourism activities; and 3) to develop wellness tourism activities in Ban Sawai So Community. Mixed Methods Research was used by defining the research methodology in 3 phases: 1) a study of basic data to design community-based wellness tourism activities; 2) designing community-based wellness tourism activities; and 3) an experiment and assessment of community-based wellness tourism activities. The study was conducted on stakeholders in the development of wellness tourism activities by the Ban Sawai So community and tourists. The researchers used focus groups, questionnaires, and lessons learned to analyze activity development. The results showed that Ban Sawai So community had natural and cultural resources that could be further developed into wellness tourism activities, and Ban Sawai Sor Organic Rice Group plays a major role in the development of these activities. Motivation of tourists towards organizing wellness tourism activities by the Ban Sawai So community, it was found that the overall motivation was at a high level ( = 4.05, S.D. = 0.491). From the results of experimental and evaluation activities, it was found that all activities had higher than expected outcomes with statistical significance at the 0.05 level and the overall satisfaction at the highest level (
= 4.51, S.D. = 0.388).
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