Participatory Development and Design of Packaging for Processed Herb Products, Spa Massage Oil, Sa-Kaeo Aroma Herb Community Enterprise

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Wuttichai Withatanang


              The objectives of this research were to develop and design a packaging design for processed herbal products for spa massage oil and to study the satisfaction with the newly developed and designed packaging. The research setting was Sakaeo Aromatic Community Enterprise Group, Mueang District, Sa Kaeo Province. This study used a participatory research process. The sample included members within the group for providing information, experts in providing feedback and evaluating designs, and specific consumer groups for massage spa operators to study their satisfaction with the new packaging. The research processes were, 1) study and analysis of fundamental data, 2) study of problems and needs, 3) determine development and design guidelines, 4) development and design process, 5) design evaluation, and 6) study the satisfaction with newly developed and designed packaging forms. The design scope was divided into 2 parts, label design for gel and cream products, and design for gel and cream packaging. The research results found that. the product label took the leaves of various herbs and cut the details into line drawings, emphasizing the colors that covered the simple tones and were not flashy. The packaging design was structured in square geometry for easy production.  It was convenient to use and can be carried or transported and was easy to place.  The graphics on the packaging had Thai and English characters. The colors used were natural and simple. Graphic images cut from the leaves of herbs to convey the product with natural herbal ingredients. The results of the study of entrepreneurs' satisfaction with the newly designed packaging form as a whole showed that they had a high level of satisfaction, with a mean score of 4.32.

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