Design of Creative Learning Plans in Social Studies Using Infographics Technique to Develop Technology Competency of Primary Students, Tungfangwittaya School,Lampang Province


  • สวัสดิ์ ละคำปา Master of Education Student Program in Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • ชรินทร์ มั่งคั่ง Department of Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • จารุณี มณีกุล ภาควิชาหลักสูตร การสอนและการเรียนรู้ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่



Keywords: Designing of Creative Learning Plans, Social Studies, Infographics, Competency, Technology, Designing of creative learning plans, Social studies, Infographics, Competency, Technology


     The objectives of this study were to 1) design of learning plans using Info graphic technic to develop  the competency of using technology creatively  of primary students, Thungfangwittaya School, Lampang Province 2) find the quality of learning plans and the assessment of competency of using technology creatively  of primary students, Thungfangwittaya School, Lampang Province 3) create the evaluated tools for competency in using technology creatively and learning plans  using Infographics Technic of primary students, Thungfangwittaya School, Lampang Province. The assessor consisted of  5 primary teachers, 2 secondary teachers both of them teaching social studies and  2 teachers who teach in technologyby purposive sampling of assessor total 9 experts.  The study tools were the assessments with 5 levels

     The results of this study revealed that : the designing of learning plans using Info graphic technic to develop  the competency of using technology creatively  of primary students, Thungfangwittaya School, Lampang Province by using unit of Lampang khelangnakorn and doing activity in lesson plan with Info graphic technic via  9 experts for  evaluation them. The designing of learning plans are complete and correct and the most appropriate quality for using the learning plans creatively in social studies as a point statistic the mean of  4.82 While the value of standard deviation is at 0.31

      The creation of the evaluated tools for competency in using technology creatively of  primary students, Thungfangwittaya School, Lampang Province by creating the criteria of the assessment of competency for primary students in using  technology  according to The core curriculum 2551 to be the guideline to create the assessment via 9 experts for evaluation them. The assessment of  the competency in using technology creatively is creatively is the most appropriate quality for evaluation as a point statistic mean of 4.79 While the value of standard deviation is at 0.31

     This study helps the teachers having the tools in teaching and enhance the knowledge and understanding for the students  in their own locality and moreover, the students have the skill in using technology to develop the competence in using technology for themselves and social.


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How to Cite

ละคำปา ส., มั่งคั่ง ช., & มณีกุล จ. (2019). Design of Creative Learning Plans in Social Studies Using Infographics Technique to Develop Technology Competency of Primary Students, Tungfangwittaya School,Lampang Province. Community and Social Development Journal, 20(1), 81–91.



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