Dimension Application of Public Space and Role of Traditional Community in Chiang Mai City
Dimension Application of Space, Public space, Social group, Role of traditional community, Sense of communityAbstract
City development has affected the community and changed the use of space in many dimensions. The community was built from response, adaptation and change through the way of using public space phenomenon. So, this article describes the elements and relationships of using public space along with the role of the traditional community which is significant in its social characteristics and cultural context. The study was qualitative research. Data were collected by reconnaissance survey, detailed survey, observing and interviewing with an inductive analysis. The study areas were Ban Ping community and Wat Si Suphan community. It was found that the use of public space in the community adapted to the roles in many forms, including space allocation, time division, duty division, integration, and creation of embodiment. Physical space mainly used the temple area for physical space, social space, spiritual and cultural exchange. Primary social space had an influence on the wisdom group, temple group, and traditional groups respectively. The study found that both communities are different in community dimension that affects the use of public spaces. It led to the consideration of public space characteristics that supported community-based relationships with society. Physical space supported the relationship, while social space supported the community but mental space would occur if there was more interaction and represent to common sense.
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