The Professional Learning Community Model for Developing Learning Management to Promotes the Analytical Thinking Ability of Students at Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School
Professional learning community, Learning management, Analytical thinkingAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) study the current state of learning management and personnel development requirements of teachers 2) develop the professional learning community model for developing learning management that promotes the analytical thinking of students at Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School and 3) to study the results of using the model of professional learning community. The research population were 2 administrators, 22 teachers and 239 students at Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School during the academic year 2018, totaling 263 people. The tools used in the research were the meeting record form the situation analysis, quality evaluation form of model, focus group record form, learning management quality evaluation form, questionnaire of teachers' opinions on joining a professional learning community, analytical ability test, and the interview form of students' opinions about teacher learning management. Analyze data using mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentages and content analysis. The research found that the model of professional learning community in the development of learning management promoting analytical thinking ability consists of 3 components: principles, processes and evaluation. After using the model, it was found that the quality of teachers learning management after participation was higher than before joining. In addict, teachers understanding of the process and teaching techniques that promote analytical thinking ability along with the analytical thinking ability of students after studying were higher than before and they had fun learning.
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