The Traits of Professional Administrators as the Attitude of Administrators and Teachers in Muang Phayao Under Controlled By the Secondary
This study emphasized on studying, comparing, and investigating the problems and recommendation on the traits of professional administrators as the attitude of administrator and teachers in Muang Phayao district under controlled by The Secondary Education Service Area Office 36. The samples selected were the administrators as well as teachers in the schools in Muang Phayao district under controlled by The Secondary Education Service Area Office 36 in the academic year of 2015. There were 274 samples. Tools in this research. It is a professional management questionnaire. As seen by administrators and teachers in Muang District, Phayao Province under the jurisdiction of the Office of Higher Education Region 36. The data analysis was done by the Statistical Package for the Social Science. The statistics employed were Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T – Test, and F – Test.
The results were as following;
1. The traits of the professional administrators as the attitude of administrators and teachers in Muang Phayao district undercontrolled by The Secondary Education Service Area Office 36 district found that the overall opinions were at the highest level. When considering in each aspect revealed that the level of the opinions varied from the highest mean to the high mean as the personal characteristics of the administrators, the roles in educational administration and the traits of preofessional administrators, respectively.
2. The comparison of the traits of professional administrators as the attitude of administrator and teachers in Muang Phayao district undercontrolled by The Secondary Education Service Area Office 36 showed by assumption testing as :
2.1 The different gender of administrators and teachers had the overall opinions was differently significant at .05. As each aspect revealed that the traits of professional administrators had significantly different at .05.
2.2 The administrators and the teachers who had the different degree having the attitude towards the professional adminsitrators in overall and each acpect did not have any difference.
2.3 The diffrent working experiences among the administrators and teachers had no difference attitude in overall towards the traits of professional administrators. The attitude in each aspect revealed that the personal characteristics of administrators had the statistically significant difference at .01 and the traits of administrators had the difference significantly at .05.
2.4 The administrators and teachers With different working status. Have the attitude Professional management The overall and individual aspects are not different.
- The problems and other recommendations were as follow;
3.1 The problems and recommendations on the roles of educational administration
1) The problems found that the school committees still lack of appropriate qualification, it needs to have more time from the usual working time in working with the relation and communities, and most of the schools are active in doing projects and changing as many things but when the project and change are failed as expectation, it causes giving up, respectively.
2) The highest frequency of recommendations was the administrators needs to publicize all information widely, they need to set the toles of the school administrators and set the standardized framework of the school committees clearly includingsupport the teachers to cooperate with the school committees closely, respectively
3.2 The problems and recommendations on the traits of administrators
1) The problems were the highest frequency of the administrators still lack of the knowledge in their professions since some of them do not have the degree in Master Degree of Administration or more than that, the administrators do not support the communities to work in curriculum management, and they also alck of the systematic administrative experiences, respectively.
2) The recommendations with the highest frequency was the administrators should develop themselves in educational administration by furthering their studies, they should support the communitie in working with the curriculum management, and apply the way to administrate the schools with passing outside Quality Assurance to their own schools, respectively.
3.3 The problems and recommendations on the personal chracteristices of the administrators
1) The problems were with the highest frequency; the administrators are unfair on getting promotion, they cannot make decision and find the solution by themselves, they also was not open – minded and accept other opinions, respectively
2) The recommendations were with the highest frequency of the administrators have to be fair in administrating, they should be brave to make any decision and solve problems confidently including they have to listen to the other ideas to use in making judgment.
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