The development of Folk Science Lesson plans which concerned for Lanna Local wisdom in the psychotherapy for elderly


  • อาทิตยา ใจเตี้ย ศูนย์พัฒนามนุษย์และบุคคลที่มีความพิการ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงใหม่



Science Lesson Plans, Health Promotion in the elderly, Lanna Local wisdom in the psychotherapy


     The purpose of this study was to develop and efficiency assessment of Folk Science Lesson plans which concerned for Lanna Local wisdom in  the psychotherapy. 297 household, 12 elderly persons and 8 caregivers in the area of Suthep sub - district Municipality, Muang  Chiangmai  District,  Chiangmai   Province. Data  were  collected  by  using questionnaires, group discussion  in-depth interview, and questionnaire before and after the Folk Science Lesson plans were Lanna  Local wisdom in the psychotherapy had begun. The Folk Science Lesson plans prepared had efficiency of  E1 / E2 according to the set criteria of 80/80, Means, Standard deviation, Paired  t-test and content analysis were used for data analysis.
     The results indicated that the  relationship aspect of Lanna Local wisdom in the  psychotherapy was on the highest level (= 2.35).  The Folk Science Lesson plans Lanna Local wisdom  in  the  psychotherapy  of  elderly  were 83.18 / 85.25  and  caregivers 82.27 / 85.73 .The efficiency gain on each lessons were specified at 80.00 / 80.00 percent  (E1 / E2). Comparison of Flok Science Lesson the post – learning achievement score was higher than the pre – learning score (P - value = 0.002, and 0.01).


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How to Cite

ใจเตี้ย อ. (2017). The development of Folk Science Lesson plans which concerned for Lanna Local wisdom in the psychotherapy for elderly. Community and Social Development Journal, 17(1), 57–67.



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