Healthy networking for self-reliance in prevention and control DENGUE hemorrhagic fever of Ban-sang health promoting hospital, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province
Healthy networking, self-reliance, DENGUE hemorrhagicAbstract
This study aimed to 1) study the community context and behavior for prevention and control of dengue fever of the people in charge of Ban Sang Health Promotion Hospital 2) to develope a self-reliance healthy network for prevention and control of dengue fever in the Ban Sang Health Promotion Hospital 3) to establish guidelines for a self-reliance healthy network activity for prevention and control in the Ban Sang Health Promotion Hospital. This study used combine methods which were quantitative and qualitative research. Research areas include 3 villages in the Mae Rim District. The sample was health officer for 4 people volunteer village health of 30 people and the people who were in charge of the Ban Sang Health Promotion hospital 64 people total of 98 people were used in the study and 4 methods of In-Depth interview, insights Participatory observation, questionnaires and focus group approach. Qualitative data were used descriptive writing Quantitative data Statistics, the percentage and standard deviation. The results were showed that
1. The outbreak of the dengue fever in 3 research communities were classified into the number 3 ranging of entire Chiang Mai area and its remains class A category as the local people were continuously sickness symptom longer than 4 weeks in 3 villages. This result shown that the control process in this area were ineffectiveness.
2. The established of self-reliance health network had 3 phases: planning and diagnosis, implementation network activity and summarize and evaluate the network. The activities including the preparation of 8 community. Situation analysis and problem determination Developing leadership potential The activity network Assessment and disease prevention and control behavior. Reflective thinking and presentation. Creating a healthy network to self-reliance. To find the straight and reflection.
3. Conduct activities to foster the self-sufficient health network consists of 7 elements such as common perception, common vision, mutual interests and benefits, stakeholders participation, complementary relationship, interdependent, interaction.
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