The Development Strategy Plan by Participatory Lifelong Education Management with Public District of The office of Non-formal and Informal Education
strategy plan, lifelong education, ParticipationAbstract
The objective of this research was 1) to study conditions and problems of lifelong education by participative lifelong education Management with Public District of the office of Non-formal and Informal Education (ONIE.), Chiang Mai 2) to develop a strategic plan by participative lifelong education Management with Public District of the office of Non-formal and Informal Education (ONIE.), Chiang Mai. A mixed method that integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches was utilized in this study.
The study can be divided into three procedures as follow:
- The first procedure was to explore the conditions and problems of lifelong education management in public district. A set of questionnaires was given to the Chiang Mai Provincial Director of ONIE, the District Director of Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre (NIE) and the Village Director of NIE. The instruments used were rating scale questionnaire developed by the researcher to analyses frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation.
- The second phase was to design and develop a strategic plan by participative lifelong education management in public district. Paperwork, literature reviews and related researches were analyzed in this process, along with the issues found in the state and problems of lifelong education management in Chiang Mai Village NIE. Later, a workshop seminar with a total of 97 related participants was held so as to use SWOT analysis technique to draft the management strategic plan according to the analyzed data.
- The third step was to assess and verify features and contents of the management strategic plan by applying Delphi technique twice with 17 experts. And the tools implemented were a rating scale questionnaire developed by the researcher and analyzed the data by median, mode and interquartile range.
Major research findings of this strategy were as follow:
- In terms of conditions and problems of managing a lifelong education in public district, there were four main factors in infrastructure and operational readiness. The facility was in moderate level. There was limited space to manage classes and also lack of the strength of the building. The resources/budget was in a moderate level. There were limited of utility budget transportation. The personnel had low level of readiness. There were a few volunteers and only one full-time officer per each district. The management was in a moderate level. Job responsibility and job recording were the major problems. Whereas, the four issues in participating the Policy; academic, personnel, network, and technology, had moderate obstacles.
- In designing and developing a strategic plan by participative lifelong education management with public district from relevant documents and researches, 10 factors to be developed in this plan were as following; innovation objective, innovation importance, identity of district ONIE, uniqueness of district ONIE, SWOT analysis, vision, mission, objective, strategy, and plan/roadmap. The researcher has brought these 10 factors into a draft strategy meeting and evaluated and verified these factors by applying Delphi technique twice with 17 experts. Those 17 experts have verified more than 76.5% to every factor.
- The action plan of lifelong education would be used in four issues with 8 projects. As an academic aspect, it would start at the same time for 16 districts and working in a particular district in an aspect of networking and personnel plan. Lastly, as a technology plan, it depends on the readiness of district ONIE.
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