The Development of Teacher’s Research Ability with Using Local Wisdom to Promote Analytical Thinking
The development of research ability, Local wisdom, Analytical thinkingAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study current conditions of learning management the needs of teachers in developing learning management and research using local wisdom to promote students’ analytical thinking skills; 2) to design the research development process of teachers who use local wisdom to promote analytical thinking skills; and 3) to study the results of the development of teacher’s research ability with using local wisdom to promote analytical thinking. The target area was Chonprathanpataek School, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province. The population were 24 teachers and 406 students. There were 3 steps to perform the work 1) planning, 2) teacher development process, and 3) the follow-up process for evaluating teacher development. The research instruments were situation analysis record, a research knowledge test, research quality evaluation form, a test of analytical thinking skills of learners, and questionnaires of teachers' opinions on development. The collected data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, percentage, and content analysis for the qualitative data. The results are as follows:
1) Current conditions of teacher learning management still lacking promotion of analytical thinking. Teachers want to improve their morale, research process, learning management that promotes analytical thinking skills, the measurement and evaluation that promotes analytical thinking skills and writing research reports. 2) Teacher development process created by the participation process consisting of workshops training, workshop,actual field operations and supervisory from executives. 3) In overall, the research score after joining the development is higher than before the development. The average percentage of teacher quality evaluation scores of teachers is higher than the 70 percent criteria. The scores of analytical thinking skills of students after learning with integrates local wisdom to promote analytical thinking skills are higher than before studying at all levels. Teachers have positive opinions on the development process.
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