The Social Networks Development for Establishing Measures for Preventing and Controlling the Negative Impacts and Controlling the Negative Impacts of Online Games Among Children and Youth
Social network, Children and youth, Online games, Game addiction, MeasuresAbstract
Online games are now the new mainstream of the gaming industry due to their ability to reach a wide range of people, especially children and young people, who may encounter negative impacts from playing online games. Therefore, this study aimed to examine measures to prevent addiction to games and the dangers caused by playing online games among children and youth by using various research and development processes. This research employed a purposive sampling technique with public and private stakeholders. The results showed that measures to prevent game addiction and the dangers caused by playing online games set for schools can be summarized as Prevent - Investigate - Precautionary - Activity creation – Remedy (PIPAR). Implementing the results from research studies emphasizes on driving at all levels concretely. As for the practical level, it should be implemented in an integrated way with routine tasks and operate in a network to promote creative online games and prevent game addiction and the dangers caused by games to youngsters on a continual and sustainable basis.
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