Willingness to Pay Premium for Green Agricultural Products
Green agricultural products, Green brand attitude, Green brand experience, WTPPAbstract
From the perspective of green brand experience, this study classifies green brand experience into five dimensions: cognitive experience, product experience, communication experience, emotional experience, and association experience. The study aims to investigate the influence of these five dimensions on consumers' willingness to pay premium (WTPP) for green agricultural products. Meanwhile, the mediating effect of green brand attitude on the relationship between green brand experience and WTPP for green agricultural products was investigated as well. To collect data for this study, a quantitative research design was employed, and an online questionnaire was administered using Google Forms. The questionnaire was distributed to 444 Chinese consumers who are 18 years old or older and have made purchases of green agricultural products. The participants were conveniently sampled from four first-tier cities in China, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. The proposed model was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS 24. The research results show that cognitive experience, and communication experience, emotional experience, and association experience all had positive effects on WTPP; among them, association experience having the greatest influence on WTPP. Second, cognitive experience, product experience, communication experience, emotional experience, and association experience all have positive effects on green brand attitude. Additionally, green brand attitudes have a positive effect on WTPP; finally, green brand attitude partially mediates the relationship between cognitive experience, communication experience, emotional experience and association experience and WTPP, and fully mediates the relationship between product experience and WTPP. The results of this study can help businesses manage and promote the development of green agricultural products market, thus enhancing consumers' willingness to purchase.
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