Environmental Laws Awareness and Green Household Practices among Pre-service Teachers of Batangas State University-JPLPC Malvar, Philippines


  • Genalyn P. Lualhati College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, The National Engineering University, JPLPC Malvar, Malvar, Batangas
  • Kim Angela H. Natividad College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, The National Engineering University, JPLPC Malvar, Malvar, Batangas
  • Diana Mae C. Sarmiento College of Teacher Education, Batangas State University, The National Engineering University, JPLPC Malvar, Malvar, Batangas




Awareness, Practice, Environmental laws, Green household, Teacher education students


The significance of schools and educators in fostering environmental awareness cannot be overstated. This descriptive correlational study aims to evaluate the level of awareness of environmental laws and the adoption of green household practices among pre-service teachers at a state university in the Philippines. By utilizing a modified research questionnaire and appropriate statistical analyses, the study reveals that respondents possess awareness of the environmental laws in place in the Philippines. When it comes to green household practices, respondents practiced waste management and demonstrate a high practice of resource management. Upon correlating these two variables, a significant relationship emerges, underscoring the influence of pre-service teachers' environmental law awareness on their adoption of green household practices. To further enhance environmental awareness and promote sustainable living, the study recommends the implementation of seminars or webinars that focus on imparting knowledge about green household practices and their role in fostering sustainability.


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How to Cite

Lualhati, G. P. ., Natividad, K. A. H. ., & Sarmiento, D. M. C. . (2024). Environmental Laws Awareness and Green Household Practices among Pre-service Teachers of Batangas State University-JPLPC Malvar, Philippines. Community and Social Development Journal, 25(2), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.57260/csdj.2024.266579



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