Factors Affecting the Competitive Advantage of Thai Entrepreneurs in Adapting to Survive During the Epidemic Crisis of Coronavirus Disease 2019
Entrepreneurial characteristics, Competitive pressure, Competitive advantagesAbstract
The study aims to identify characteristics of Thai entrepreneurs affecting the competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs in adapting to survive during the epidemic crisis of coronavirus disease 2019.Factors determine the competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs in adapting to survive during the epidemic crisis of coronavirus disease 2019 and guidelines for gaining competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs in adapting to survive during the epidemic crisis of coronavirus disease 2019. The researcher used a quantitative method from a sample group of 384 business owners in Bangkok, Thailand. The sample group is a company located in Bangkok. In essence, Bangkok is a strategic location and economic hub of Thailand that is good for a supportive business environment and economic advantages, making researchers specific in this area. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The data was analyzed to explain the study, including frequency distribution, percentage, average deviation, and correlation testing, and was processed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) statistical multiple regression analysis in formula (y = a+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+β4x4+β5x5+ε) forecast statistics (R2). The results showed that 1) the characteristics of Thai entrepreneurs affecting the competitive advantage are autonomy, innovativeness, risk-taking, competitive aggressiveness, stability & learning, and achievement were high 2)the competitive pressure affects the competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs, which are pressure from existing competitors, pressure of substitute products and bargaining power of material suppliers determine Thai entrepreneurs affecting the competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs in adapting to survive during the epidemic crisis of coronavirus disease 2019. Meanwhile, pressure from new competitors and pressure from bargaining power will not help Thai entrepreneurs, affecting the competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs in adapting to survive during the epidemic crisis of coronavirus disease 2019. The characteristics of entrepreneurs and competitive pressure affect positive competitive advantage in cost, quality, innovation, and quick response, directly affecting Thai entrepreneurs' competitive advantage.
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